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Forward Madison Game, Benefit for Collaboration Project

Saturday, September 21st, 2024

Let's get together for a bit of fun! Buy tickets to the September 21st Forward Madison game and a portion of your ticket cost will benefit Collaboration Project! Support our local soccer team and, in doing so, support our work—all with a fun night out!

We also need volunteers to help with our table and the 50-50 raffle that night. Volunteers get in for free!


Women in Ministry Fall Retreat 

Friday, September 27th, 9-3pm

Join us for a day away to reflect and connect with other women who do ministry in Dane County. Throughout the day we will have opportunities for community and relationship building as well as personal time for prayer and rest. We are thrilled to welcome Chris Klausen from Gracebridge Alliance as our facilitator for the day, who will guide us through prayer practices, reflection, and group spiritual direction sessions in the afternoon.


Eastside Neighborhood Network Gathering

November 13, 11am-12:30pm

If you are a ministry leader on the east side of Madison, join us for a time of food, connection with other leaders and learning about some upcoming eastside ministry initiatives. Lunch is provided!


United Week of Prayer

November 18-25, 2024

During United Week of Prayer, we hope to see the local Church unite in intentional prayer for our community. The vision is to see Christians praying with intentionality throughout and for our communities, and doing so in gratitude to God!


Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service

November 25, 2024

Many churches throughout Madison come together to express our thanks to God for our many blessings and demonstrate our unity in Christ. Learn more.


Kingdom Justice Summit

March 8, 2025

The Kingdom Justice Summit returns as a way for Christians to engage with the questions of how to live out our call together to do justice and love mercy. Come connect, learn, and be inspired into action as we engage with Biblical Justice.
